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Need to Meet Emerging EMC Immunity Testing Standards? Visit Booth #310 at the 2024 EMC+SIPI Symposium

Are you ready for the IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal & Power Integrity (EMC+SIPI)? This year’s event takes place in Phoenix, Arizona, from August 5 – 9, bringing together numerous exhibitors showcasing the latest in EMC, signal integrity and power integrity techniques, and more.

While walking the Phoenix Convention Center, there’s one stop you cannot miss – booth #310 featuring Maury Microwave best-in-class solutions for EMC immunity testing. In this blog post, learn all about the products, leading capabilities, and demonstration that Maury Microwave will showcase at the 2024 EMC+SIPI Symposium.

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EMC immunity testing typically involves placing a device under test (DUT) in a controlled test chamber. There, engineers can observe and analyze how devices, systems, or equipment perform under different levels of electromagnetic interference, ensuring the design meets stringent EMC specifications and functions properly in its intended environment.

Amplifiers play a crucial role during this process, tasked with generating power levels strong enough to drive antennas to required field strengths. This ensures the equipment inside the chamber is evaluated appropriately, preserving test accuracy and compliance.

There are several essential parameters to consider when choosing the right amplifier for your test setup, some of which include:

  • Frequency range: Emerging EMC immunity test standards are pushing to higher frequencies (6 GHz to 40 GHz). Wideband amplifiers ensure compliance with these new requirements.
  • Linearity: Amplifiers boost a signal’s power, reproducing its input at an increased amplitude. Amplifier linearity ensures an accurate representation of the original signal without distortions.
  • Modulation: The ability to handle complex, modulated signals effectively is vital for preserving signal integrity in systems that rely on modulation techniques.

Booth #310 will feature an EMC immunity testing demonstration, showcasing how Maury Microwave amplifiers, power sensors, and interconnects have the performance needed to meet emerging EMC requirements.

How does it work? First, a signal source generates a waveform, which is amplified by the MPA-series amplifier. The LLC-series coupler receives this signal as an input and outputs a portion to a 50-ohm load for termination and another to the RTP5000 series sensor, with signal transmission handled by StabilityPlusTM cable assemblies. In a typical EMC radiated immunity testing environment, the amplifier output would be directed to an antenna, which would test the equipment inside a chamber under different electromagnetic interference levels.

Below is a rundown of key capabilities featured in the demonstration that overcome critical EMC immunity test challenges.

  • Offering a frequency range from 600 MHz to 67 GHz, the MPA-Series amplifiers provide the wideband ranges and linearity required for modern EMC testing.
  • RTP5000 Series sensors measure, monitor, and verify power levels to maintain high-integrity testing.
  • The LLC-series low-loss, high-power bidirectional airline coupler that offers unmatched performance with high directivity and low insertion loss for broadband performance.
  • StabilityPlus cable assemblies, which provide consistent phase and amplitude characteristics, are used to ensure highly accurate signal transmission in demanding, high-frequency EMC test environments.

The MP-series of T&M instrument amplifiers (600 MHz to 67 GHz) ensure EMC immunity testing meets industry standards, offering high reliability, outstanding wideband ranges, and linear performance. All units support full CW, pulsed, AM, PM, FM, or complex modulation such as OFDM. The user-friendly remote-control features, integrated couplers, and power detection enable close positioning to the radiating object for minimal cable insertion loss.


Key Specifications and Features:

  • State-of-the-art solid-state GaN PAs
  • Broadband design for modulated signals
  • Psat from 10W to KW
  • Integrated protection circuitry and coupler
  • Remote control; TTL and LVTTL options

Maury Microwave at the 2024 IEEE EMC+SIPI Symposium

The Maury Microwave tradeshow page – – features more information about the best-in-class solutions and must-see product demonstration in booth #310 at EMC+SIPI 2024.