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Visit Booth #704 at IMS 2024 for Solutions Spanning Active Load Pull to RF Channel Emulation

It’s that time of year again for the IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS). Here’s a quick rundown of IMS 2024 essentials:

  • When

    Sunday, June 16, 2024, to Friday, June 21, 2024

  • Where

    Washington, DC, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center

  • Must-see Booth

    Booth #704 featuring Maury Microwave solutions

In booth #704, Maury Microwave will showcase its latest products and solutions, many of which are used in several in-booth demonstrations ranging from active load pull for 6G and sub-THz frequencies to cryogenic noise parameters to 5G non-terrestrial network (NTN) link emulation. In this blog post, discover why booth #704 is a key destination for IMS attendees.

Active Device Characterization up to 330 GHz

The Maury Microwave WR6.5, WR4.3, and WR3.4 electromechanical impedance tuners offer the highest VSWR on the market by a significant margin, enabling users to perform active device characterization up to 330 GHz. Achieving high VSWR is crucial at high frequencies since passive interconnects, such as waveguide sections and on-wafer probes, experience higher loss, which reduces the maximum reflection coefficient presented to the device under test (DUT). A prototype NT-220G330G-1C mmWave WR3.4 impedance tuner from Maury Microwave that offers industry-leading, unprecedented VSWR will be featured in a mmWave on-wafer setup for non-50 ohm device characterization.

Active Load Pull for 6G and Sub-THz Frequencies

Conventional VNA test benches for frequencies over 70 GHz rely on frequency extenders, which provide little to no control over the power and/or phase delivered to the DUT. In a demonstration at IMS 2024, learn how the MMW-STUDIO – a comprehensive mmWave and sub-THz characterization software suite provided by Vertigo Technologies – overcomes this challenge. Watch the MMW-STUDIO in action as it conducts a power-controlled S-parameter measurement and an active load pull within the WR6.5 waveguide band on a waveguide connectorized amplifier.


Provided by Vertigo Technologies, the MMW-STUDIO (MT920A) is a software suite designed to work with waveguide-banded mmWAve VNA systems and add accurate and repeatable high-resolution power control. The software enables the direct measurement of vector-corrected power at the DUT reference plane, as well as control over the power delivered to the DUT. Doing so allows engineers to perform gain compression power sweep measurements over the available levels of power, and S-parameter measurements at any arbitrary power level.

Cryogenic Noise Parameters

LNA design is critical in applications such as quantum computing and radio astronomy that operate at cryogenic temperatures. Operating in extreme, low-temperature conditions requires advanced and reliable noise parameter measurement capabilities. Featuring the Maury Microwave MT7553A03 noise receiver module in a cryogenic noise parameter system, an IMS 2024 demonstration will showcase cryogenic noise parameters down to 4 Kelvin, enabling designers to optimize LNAs that minimize low noise figure at these temperatures.

MT7553 Series Coaxial Noise Receiver Modules

MT7553-series coaxial noise receiver modules enhance the typical noise system measurement accuracy, reducing the total system noise figure by adding an integrated switch and wideband LNA close to the DUT. The MT7553A03 noise receive module, in particular, covers 0.1 GHz – 26.5 GHz and is designed to operate with either a standalone noise analyzer or combined VNA/NFA up to 26.5 GHz.

Wideband Impedance Control at 5G FR2

With the increasing demand for wireless applications and the rise of high data rate protocols, the need to optimize amplifier linearity and efficiency has never been more critical. However, achieving this optimization poses challenges for the preferred large signal characterization test bench. Factors such as losses and electrical delay from tuners, cables, and probes, all contribute to limiting the reflection coefficient that can be delivered to the DUT. 

With the MT2000 mixed-signal active load pull system, users can perform load pull at high speeds (up to 1000 impedance/power states per minute), experience limitation-free Smith chart coverage, and take advantage of wideband impedance control for modulated signals over the hardware’s modulation bandwidth. IMS 2024 attendees will get a live look at the Maury Microwave MT2000 as it performs load pull on a LNA.

MT2000 Active Load Pull System

The MT2000 is a turnkey one-box load pull solutions that replace the functions typically performed by passive fundamental and harmonic impedance tuners, VNAs, NVNAs, analog signal generators, vector signal generators, vector signal analyzers, and oscilloscopes. Moreover, the solution adds the capabilities of high-speed load pull measurements and wideband impedance control for modulated signals. By combining multiple bench setups into a single box, offering unrivaled load pull speeds, and maximizing Smith Chart coverage, the MT2000 is a powerhouse for device characterization, validation of nonlinear compact models, and extracting nonlinear behavioral models.

Power Amplifier Linearity Characterization

The peaks of high PAPR signals used in modern m-QAM, OFDM systems can be suppressed due to amplifier nonlinearity, causing symbol and bit errors. Using the Maury Microwave RTP5000 series USB real-time peak power sensors, engineers can extract PAPR results and plot complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) curves to assess amplifier nonlinearity and signal quality quickly and efficiently, as shown in a demonstration at IMS. The sensors can connect to either a PC or the Maury Microwave PMX40 benchtop RF power meter, and use the advanced measurement and analysis software – the Boonton Power Analyzer – for power control and readout.
RTP5000 Real-Time Peak Power Sensors to 40 GHz

The RTP5000 Real-Time Peak USB Power Sensors of the Boonton product line address challenges faced by engineers and technicians who design, verify, and maintain systems utilizing pulsed signals. The RTP5000 series incorporates Real-Time Power Processing™ and offers faster rise times; better time resolution; the fastest measurements; and a complementary, simple, intuitive, and powerful graphical user interface.

Boonton Power Analyzer Software

The Boonton Power Analyzer (BPA) software is a Windows-based software package that provides control and readout of the RTP5000 and RTP4000 series power sensors. It is an easy-to-use program that provides both time-domain and CCDF views of RF waveforms with variable peak hold and persistence views. Power measurements are supported using automated pulse and statistical measurements, power level, and timing markers.

PMX40 RF Power Meter

The PMX40, compatible with RTP5000 and RTP4000 series power sensors, provides design engineers and technicians the utility of traditional benchtop instrument, the flexibility and performance of modern USB RF power sensors, and the simplicity of a multi-touch display built with award-winning technology featured in the Boonton product line.

Stress your Receiver with Complex Interference

Applications demanding increased data rates and higher operating frequencies must manage rising noise floors from communications sources like 5G, Wi-Fi, and satellite signals. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and carrier-to-noise (C/N) ratio can quantify a system’s tolerance to complex noise, providing insight into its real-world performance.

IMS attendees can see how the Maury Microwave UFX7000B enables manipulation of the carrier signal and noise floor in 0.1 dB steps over a 127 dB dynamic range, highlighting how controlled additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) can ensure the performance designed in the lab is realized in the field.

UFX7000B Programmable Noise Generator

The UFX7000B of the Noisecom product line has a powerful single board computer with a flexible architecture to control complex noise signals for advanced testing. Offering both remote and manual control, its precision components provide high output power with superior flatness and a flexible architecture to control multiple attenuators, switches, and filter banks.

Qualifying LO Substitution Phase Noise Improvements

Modern communication systems, such as 5G and Wi-Fi, use advanced modulation techniques to achieve high data throughput, leading to an increased demand for quicker clock rates, ultimately resulting in a potential rise in symbol errors. A significant contributor to errors is linked to the phase noise generated by the existing local oscillator (LO).

In an IMS 2024 demonstration, watch the ultra-low phase noise generation capabilities of the Maury Microwave HSX9000A series of multi-channel RF synthesizers, showcasing the capabilities required for LO substitution applications, as well as the Maury Microwave HA7062 series for real-time phase noise measurements.

HSX9000A Series Multi-Channel RF Synthesizers

The HSX Series RF synthesizers of the Holzworth product line offer industry-leading phase noise and spectral purity as a multi-channel CW signal source. The compact 1U chassis allows up to 4 independently tunable channels (frequency / phase offset / amplitude) to optimize channel density within test system racks with limited space. Application-specific frequency options can be configured to cover combinations of 10 MHz to 3 GHz, 6 GHz, 12 GHz, 20 GHz, and 40 GHz. Each channel output provides accurate power levels from -110 dBm up to +18 dBm. Its unique multi-loop architecture provides the ultimate in frequency accuracy, channel-to-channel stability, and phase coherency.

HA7062 Series Real-Time Phase Noise Analyzers

The Holzworth product line real-time phase noise analyzers (HA7062C and HA7062D) offer a unique combination of accuracy, speed, flexibility, and reliability in a compact form factor. Control is easy through an intuitive GUI or simple remote commands. This makes them ideal for use in the lab and production.

5G NTN Link Emulation and Hardware-in-the-Loop Test

Various link effects and hardware-generated impairments are added to a signal's path during real-world operation, which significantly affect signal quality and system performance. The ACE9600 Advanced Channel Emulator is a non-terrestrial RF channel emulation solution that can simulate these impairments to assess a system’s response to challenging post-deployment conditions.

A demonstration at booth #704 will feature hardware-in-the loop testing, AWGN, frequency-dependent signal Doppler with the resultant expansion/compression of the passband, multipath fading, and the generation of an orbit profile using ephemeris data for a Starlink satellite, aircraft, and a ground station located in Washington, DC. Among other key capabilities, watch how the ACE9600 can show how the Starlink satellite signals are affected as it moves across the sky. 

ACE9600 Advanced Channel Emulator

The ACE9600 Advanced Channel Emulator (ACE) of the dBm product line is the most advanced non-terrestrial RF channel emulation solution to date. The emulated impairments include delay, signal Doppler, attenuation, phase offset, AWGN, frequency hopping, payload, and multipath fading. The instrument can house up to four 600 MHz instantaneous bandwidth channels. Impairment emulation can be set to fixed values in Static Mode, or continuously changed in real time in Dynamic Mode without any phase discontinuities.

ACE Client Application

The ACE Client is a comprehensive application that enables the remote control of all ACE9600 functions, graphically displays impairment file contents, and provides wizards for creating custom profiles for payload impairments. The ACE Client also enables signal capture, which generates both time and frequency domain plots of the excitation signal and the output signal after the application of impairments.

On-Wafer Passive Load Pull for 5G FR2

When conducting nonlinear analysis, high-frequency and high-power devices exhibit smaller impedances at their input and output, necessitating test and measurement tools capable of providing a complete, comprehensive evaluation in highly reflective areas. Depending on factors such as the physical distance between the DUT and tuner, dimensions of the tuner, and signal bandwidth, the electromechanical tuners in measurement and test setups can introduce phase skew into modulated signal analysis and evaluation.

At IMS 2024 in booth #704, learn how the Maury Microwave Nano5G™ automated impedance tuners greatly minimize phase skew, reduce insertion loss, and maximize control capability on the Smith chart over a larger area with its direct probe-mount capability, compact size, and user-friendly installation.

Nano™ Series Automated Impedance Tuners

The Nano series (NT-series) automated impedance tuners are designed for on-wafer applications with maximum VSWR at the probe tip. The Nano5G model enables highly reliable passive load pull measurements for 5G applications, especially in the 28 GHz and 39 GHz bands allocated for FR2, although continuous operation is available from 18 GHz – 50 GHz.

Interconnect and Precision Calibration Solutions

In addition to innovative product demonstrations, Maury Microwave will have various interconnects and precision calibration solutions on display. Product categories include cable assemblies, adapters, color-coded attenuators, connector gage kits, torque wrenches, and VNA calibration and verification kits. 

Maury Microwave at IMS 2024

Head over to the tradeshow page – – for more information about Maury Microwave solutions, products, demonstrations, and presentations at IMS 2024.