Orbiting the Earth right now is a trove of satellites, many of which are in low-earth Orbit (LEO)...
Want to Optimize Satellite Communications Testing? Join Us at Booth #2112 during SATELLITE 2024
Hosted in Washington, DC, SATELLITE 2024 is a premiere conference for the global space and satellite communities to discuss the latest innovations, products, and services. In this blog post, learn what attendees can see from Maury Microwave at booth #2112 during this year’s show.
Test & Measurement Solutions for Satellite Communications
From emulating satellite RF link impairments to cable assemblies optimized for use in Thermal Vacuum (TVAC) chambers, booth #2112 features a wide range of test and measurement solutions for satellite communications systems. Let's review the products and solutions we're featuring at the show.
RF Channel Emulation Solution: The dBm Advanced Channel Emulator is the most advanced non-terrestrial RF channel emulation solution. Users can fully emulate satellite uplink/downlink paths by inserting RF link impairments, such as delay, Doppler, path loss, AWGN, and multipath fading, as well as hardware-in-the-loop impairments, such as amplifier compression/distortion, phase noise, and IMUX/OMUX filter shaping.
Interconnects: StabilityTVAC™ cable assemblies are designed to operate in TVAC chambers, which are specialized enclosures that simulate space-like conditions to test the resilience and performance of space components. The StabilityTVAC Series offers several optimizations, such as vented connectors and thermal conditioning, to withstand the extreme pressures and temperatures experienced in TVAC chambers. Our booth will also feature StabilityPlus™ phase-stable cable assemblies, StabilityFlex™ ultra-flexible cable assemblies, and StabilityVNA™ test port cable assemblies.
Available separately or as part of a vector network analyzer (VNA) calibration kit, calibration-grade metrology adapters offer the lowest VSWR, which reduces the mismatch between connected components and ensures the highest signal flow. In addition, the ColorConnect™ color-coded precision adapters follow the IEEE P287 high-frequency connector/adapter color convention, ensuring ease-of-identification and ease-of-use.
Calibration Kits & Calibration Verification Kits: Calibration and calibration verification kits improve calibration accuracy, speed, and validation. Featured kits at SATELLITE 2024 include:
RF Power Sensors: The Boonton RTP5000 Series Real-Time USB Peak Power Sensors utilize Real-Time Power ProcessingTM technology to deliver the fastest measurement rate of 100,000 measurements per second with zero latency or gaps in acquisition. With this performance, the RTP5000 Series can confirm power levels and delays throughout satellite uplink/downlink chains and capture antenna pattern measurements. Crest factor and the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) measurement capability can quickly establish if amplifiers are being driven into compression.
Programmable Noise Generator: With the Noisecom UFX7000B Programmable Noise Generator, satellite network designers can create complex, controllable, and customizable additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) signals to inject into their unique RF uplink/downlink paths and simplify carrier-to-noise (CNR) measurements. The flexible architecture of the UFX7000B enables precise control over various features, such as multiple attenuators, switches, and filter banks, allowing users to meet the most demanding requirements with ease.
Phase Noise Analyzer: Satellite communications systems that utilize higher order modulation schemes increase bit rate/bandwidth and heighten the risk of symbol errors caused by phase noise. Providing industry-leading accuracy, high reliability, ease of automation, and the utmost flexibility, the Holzworth HA7062D Phase Noise Analyzer can evaluate the absolute phase noise of a satellite system's local oscillators and additive phase noise of the amplifiers in the uplink and downlink paths.
Demonstration on Satellite Uplink/Downlink Testing
A demonstration at the booth will highlight various physical layer test solutions throughout the RF and microwave uplink/downlink paths, enabling the design, verification, and troubleshooting of satellite communications systems. Measurement capabilities featured in the demonstration include propagation delay and 5G time division duplex (TDD) network timing, emulating RF link impairments and noise tolerance testing, satellite amplifier linearity, phase noise analysis, and characterizing antenna performance.